【两会人物专访】 中国文化强国品牌艺术名家——杨晓旭
Yang Xiaoxu, male, was born in Bayannaoer City, Inner Mongolia in 1966, and now works in Bayannaoer Central Branch of the People's Bank of China. Influenced by his family, he loved Chinese traditional culture since childhood, especially ancient literature and painting and calligraphy. In the early years, due to the lack of guidance from a master, I failed to study systematically, practiced less, and only stayed like it. When there was no spare time for high school, I studied finance in college. Although I usually took time to practice, I achieved nothing. After working and starting a family, my burden increased and I didn't write for more than 20 years. In recent years, I began to write in order to become the best. Because there is no master, I can only learn from the ancients and nature, starting with Chinese traditional landscape painting, and study hard the skills. I have experienced the famous works since the Five Dynasties and the Song Dynasty, especially Yuan Sijia, catching up with Dong Ju and everyone in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, so that my painting skills are getting deeper and deeper. At the same time, the ancient paintings and calligraphy works are collected, corrected and annotated in order to achieve great success.
Since 2009, he has participated in many national art competitions and won awards. In 2011, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Revolution of 1911, landscape works were exhibited as famous works in Britain for more than three months. Since then, in order to further improve, I have taken time to devote myself to studying Chinese calligraphy. Based on regular script, I have been studying the famous posts since Jin and Tang Dynasties. I have devoted myself to studying the masters of Wei and Jin Dynasties, Wei Bei, Zhiyong, European Style, etc. At the same time, I have practiced the seal script styles such as Jin Wen, Shi Guwen and Shimen Song to confirm each other, so as to improve the calligraphy and painting in an all-round way. My calligraphy and painting works have participated in various major exhibitions all over the country for many times. In September 2018, he was appraised as a national first-class artist.
In 2019, he was hired as an art consultant by Beijing Global Painting and Calligraphy Institute, joined China Painting and Calligraphy Art Research Institute, and was hired as a researcher. In August 2019, he was identified as "the first batch of cultural celebrity studios-Yang Xiaoxu Studio" by Chinese and Foreign Celebrity Research Association on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, and was awarded with bronze plaques and pennants, which were personally inscribed by the famous calligrapher Mr. Quan Xijun. In December, 2019, it was awarded two titles of Chinese landscape painting and calligraphy masters by the Academic Committee of Chinese and Foreign Celebrity Culture Research Association and the Calligraphy and Painting World of Calligraphy Newspaper.
Honors received:
In October 2010, his paintings were compiled into the Collection of National Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition of Xibaipo Cup, and he was awarded the honorary title of "Elite in Contemporary Chinese Painting and Calligraphy".
In October 2010, he won the Excellence Award in the National Painting and Calligraphy Competition to commemorate the 115th anniversary of Mr. Xu Beihong's birth.
In November 2010, art works won the gold medal in the National Painting and Calligraphy Grand Prix to commemorate the 61st anniversary of the founding of New China, and were permanently collected by the Revolutionary History Museum. At the same time, their works were selected into the celebrity pictorial magazine of Chinese Times.
In December 2010, he won the second prize in the first "Xinghai Cup" National Painting and Calligraphy Competition.
In October 2011, he participated in the "Chinese Soul" Cup Global Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Art Exhibition to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Revolution of 1911 and won the second prize.
In 2011, as a famous artist recommended by China, he participated in the All-England Art Competition and Boutique Exhibition for the Centennial of the Revolution of 1911. His works toured major cities in Britain for three months and were collected by the organizing committee.
In August 2012, he won the first prize in the third "Xinghai Cup" National Painting and Calligraphy Competition.
In 2017, paintings and calligraphy works were invited to participate in the first national exhibition of famous artists' works, which were collected by the National Painting Academy of China.
In 2017, paintings and calligraphy were comprehensively reported by People's Art sponsored by People's Daily.
In 2017, he was selected as one of the most successful people in painting and calligraphy.
In 2018, paintings and calligraphy were compiled into Selected Works of Chinese Fine Arts.
In 2018, paintings and calligraphy works were selected as "Famous Chinese Artists on World Stamps", and stamps were issued in four countries, including the United States, Belgium, the Netherlands and France.
In 2019, paintings and calligraphy participated in the invitation exhibition of famous paintings and calligraphy held by the National Culture Palace. In 2019, two works were auctioned and sold in Europe by China-Europe Art Auction Company.
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