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韩泰轮胎在韩国的新试验场 Technoring

2022-06-06 11:03:59来源:汽车测试网  

日前,韩泰轮胎在韩国泰安开设了新的试验场 Technoring。该试验场占地 1.26平方公里,设有 13 条测试轨道,可容纳从超级跑车到卡车和公共汽车的所有类型的车辆,最高测试时速达到250公里/小时。

除了13条测试道路外,新的试验场还配备了控制塔、办公楼、车间、加油站和电动汽车充电站。控制塔高37.1米高 ,通过集成监测系统可以更深入地了解测试进度,有助于各种路面和气候条件的测试。


借助 Technoring 测试积累的数据,韩泰还计划加速其数字化转型。公司将建设大数据分析平台,开发基于人工智能的虚拟优化技术。韩泰表示,未来还计划创建一个数据库,记录在恶劣条件下测试的轮胎和车辆的反应,韩泰将利用该数据库构建数字双胞胎。

High-speed oval
The high-speed main circuit consists of 4 lane tracks with a total length of 4.6km. Designed to allow high-speed testing up to 250km/h on a straight course, the track includes a 38.87° high bank curve.

Vehicle dynamics area / skid pad
The vehicle dynamics area and skid pad test steering stability and performance limits through slalom tests, lane changes and tests on roundabouts (traffic circles). This track allows for testing at a maximum speed of 200km/h.

Dry handling circuit
The dry handling circuit tests handling performance on dry surfaces and is 3.4km in length, consisting of 16 corners. The straight course is 670m long, and allows a maximum speed of 190km/h.

Wet handling circuit /Hydroplaning curve
The wet handling circuit is 1.6km long and consists of 11 different corners. The circuit allows test driving up to 128km/h. The hydroplaning curve enables diversifying wet road conditions by adjusting depth of water ranging from 1mm to 10mm.

Designed to test ride comfort when driving, the 970m-long ride track comprises four lanes and 15 road surfaces including national highways, asphalt, brick roads, and more.

The braking course consists of four dry lanes and four wet lanes of various road surfaces made of asphalt, concrete and other materials. Dry braking test track enables test speeds up to 150km/h.

Hydroplaning straight
The 150m hydroplaning straight allows hydroplaning tests under various wet road conditions by adjusting depth of water ranging from 1mm to 10mm.

Pass by noise
The 920m-long track is designed to carry out tire noise tests to meet the requirements of car manufacturers and ISO certification.

Noise vibration harshness
This 700m-long course is designed to measure tire noise. It consists of seven different roads and five different lanes of asphalt and a concrete trench.

General road
The 5km-long general road connects all test tracks. It is designed to conduct a comprehensive performance test including ride comfort on various surfaces.

Featuring various obstacles such as puddles and boulders, the course is designed to test off-road tire performance.

Chip-cut road tracks
The 1.4km-long chip-cut road tracks test tire durability. The tracks also test chip and cut wear.

标签: 韩泰轮胎 人工智能 首席执行官



